Production Database
Showing 555 resultsProduction Type | Production Title | Date | Venue |
Overseas Performance | 《我係香港人》 I Am Hong Kong | 28/05/1986-31/05/1986 | Darwin Performing Arts Centre, Australia |
Overseas Performance | 《中國童話:龍的傳人》 The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples | 27/05/1986-31/05/1986 | Darwin Performing Arts Centre, Australia |
Overseas Performance | 《我係香港人》 I Am Hong Kong | 10/05/1986 | Teatro D. Pedro V, Macau |
Overseas Performance | 《中國童話:龍的傳人》 The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples | 05/05/1986-09/05/1986 | Primary schools in Macau |
Public Performance | 《元宵》 (重演) Twelfth Night (Re-run) | 23/04/1986-27/04/1986 | Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre |
Public Performance | 《驚險樂園》 The Fantastic Fairground | 04/04/1986, 12/04/1986, 20/04/1986, 03/05/1986 | Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, CUHK; North District Town Hall; Lut Sau Hall, Yuen Long; Tai Po Civic Centre |
Overseas Performance | 《中國童話:龍的傳人》(重演) The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples (Re-run) | 22/03/1986-23/03/1986 | Young People's Theatre (Drama Centre), Singapore |
Public Performance | 「城市壓力」- 《棺材大過窿》 A City's Pressures - The Coffin is Too Big For The Hole | 14/02/1986-18/02/1986 | Fringe Club Hong Kong |
Public Performance | 《元宵》 Twelfth Night | 31/01/1986-07/02/1986 | Recital Hall, Hong Kong Arts Centre |
Public Performance | 《驚險樂園》 The Fantastic Fairground | 22/12/1986-24/12/1986, 26/12/1986-28/12/1986 | Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre |
Public Performance | 《老舍:貓城記》 Lao She: City Of Cats | 04/10/1985-08/10/1985 | Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre |
Public Performance | 《我係香港人》 I Am Hong Kong | 27/08/1985-30/08/1985 | Fringe Club Hong Kong |
Public Performance | 《我係香港人》(重演) I Am Hong Kong (Re-run) | 10/07/1985-11/07/1985 | Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall |
Overseas Performance | 《我係香港人》I Am Hong Kong | 25/05/1985-07/06/1985 | Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne, Australia |
Overseas Performance | 《中國童話:龍的傳人》 The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples | 13-15/5, 21-23/5/1985 | Adelaide High School Auditorium, Adelaide, Australia |
Overseas Performance | 《我係香港人》 I Am Hong Kong | 10/05/1985-24/05/1985 | Adelaide High School Auditorium, Adelaide, Australia |
School Touring Performance | 《中國童話:龍的傳人》 The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples | 03/05/1985-04/05/1985 | Bradbury Junior School, North District Town Hall |
Community Performance | 中西區文化藝術雙週節目:《昆蟲世界 》Insect World | 30/03/1985 | Caritas Community Centre (Caine Road) |
Public Performance | 第七屆荃灣藝術節節目:《中國童話:龍的傳人》 The 7th Tsuen Wan Arts Festival: The Chinese Legend: The Dragon's Disciples | 03/03/1985 | Cultural Activities Hall, Tsuen Wan Town Hall |
Public Performance | 《昆蟲世界》 Insect World | 05/01/1985 | Cultural Activities Hall, Tsuen Wan Town Hall |
Results 441 to 460 of 555